Post Session
Salt Bath:
We highly recommend and encourage every client to do either a full body salt blend bath OR a foot bath within 8 hours of completing an EE session. It is crucial for helping the detoxification process through your body, and without them you may find your system re-absorbs the toxins it’s worked hard to remove, or you could experience detox systems that are minor or more significant. If you don’t have access to a bath, you can do a foot bath with 1/4 - 1/2 of the recipe below.
Salt Bath Recipe:
2 cups of sea salt (Celtic Sea Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt, Kosher Salt (with no caking agents)
2 cups Baking Soda
1 cup Borax
Salt bath kits are available at EE Wellness Within Lounge for $15. All ingredients are pure and Aluminium free.
As your body is moving through a detoxification process post EE session, keeping hydrated is imperative to your healing process. Drink plenty of water, and Hydralytes.
Keeping your body fuelled with healthy, nourishing, nutritious foods post EE session will only help your body heal and thrive quicker. Think of your session being a kick start to your journey of health, you must put in the work. Try to avoid processed food, deep-fried food, fast-food takeaway and alcohol.